Mind-Blowing Roast Beef

Prep time: 30mins | Cook time: Check your individual joint for cook times


 Beef joint

 Tsp of brown sugar

 Vegetables for trivet (we recommend onion, carrots and garlic bulbs)

  1. Remove the joint from the fridge for 30 minutes prior to cooking to let it warm to room temperature
  2. Check the cooking instructions on your joint – depending on how well done you want your meat will influence the cooking time
  3. TOBY TIP: When roasting a joint, sit it on chopped veg (we call this a vegetable trivet). Add a little bit of water, to help keep the meat moist and juicy, and you'll have the makings of a really good stock
  4. When seasoning beef, try adding a bit of brown sugar. It'll enhance the flavour and turn your meat golden-brown.
  5. When the joint is cooked, leave to rest for at least 20 minutes before carving
  6. We suggest serving your beef with wholegrain mustard – you could even add it to your gravy

Serve with lashings of gravy, roast potatoes, red cabbage and sage an onion stuffng.