Homemade Gravy

Prep time: 20mins | Cook time: 15mins


 Vegetables and meat juices from cooking joint

 1x meat stock cube

 Tbsp cornflower

 Condiments (optional)

  1. Collect the juices from the meat you are roasting along with any veg used as a trivet
  2. Be sure to scrape the burnt bits off the bottom of your tray – this will give you gravy added texture
  3. Add the veg and water to a saucepan on a high heat and cook the veg off, scooping them out once boiling
  4. TOBY TIP: Here's a trick for removing the fat from your gravy. If you're using stock from the roasting pan, put some ice in a colander and pour the stock over it. The fat will stick to the ice
  5. Add a stock cube for more flavour if needed or for a great way to use up those last bits of condiments, chuck things like apple sauce, horseradish, red wine or mint sauce into the gravy
  6. If your gravy is looking a little watery, use cornflower to thicken it up and whisk to avoid any lumps in your gravy
  7. Pour over your favourite roast and enjoy!